Clan Goliath Scorpion

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Clan Ranks and Duties


Khan - Leader of the Clan.  He is the voice of the Clan in the League.  His duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Scheduling Battles

  • Enforcing the rules

  • Acting as seen fit for the well-being of the clan

  • Scheduling Clan Wide activities

 To be Khan you must have the following:

  • At least one year of experience in the Clan.

  • Be willing to be active in the position.

To remove a Khan, the Keshik must call a vote of the clan.  The following stipulations apply:

  • At least 2/3 of the Clan must vote for a removal for a Khan to be removed.

  • The Khan will have a chance to answer the allegations brought against him.

  • To bring the vote to the clan, the Keshik must vote unanimously (minus the Khans vote) to call for a vote.

Once the Khan is removed from Office, it does NOT mean he is removed from the Clan.  He can be given any position the new Khan wishes.


SaKhan - Second in Command.  He fulfills the Khans duties in the absence of the Khan.  He is also given other jobs by the Khan when needed.

To be SaKhan you must have the following:

  • At least one year of experience in the Clan.

  • Be willing to be active in the position


Galaxy Commander - Head of the Touman (Fighting arm of the Clan).  Reports to the Khan and SaKhan on the progress of training, level of activity, and when the Khan and SaKhan are absent, fulfills their duties.

The Galaxy Commander is appointed by the Khan. This is at the Khans discretion.  To be Galaxy Commander you must have the following:

  • At least one year of experience in the Clan.

  • Be willing to be active in the position

The Galaxy Commander can be removed by the Khan without a vote by the Keshik.


Star Colonel - Head of a Cluster (3 Binaries).  Reports to the Galaxy Commander on the progress of training, level of activity,  and recruiting.  He makes sure all of the afore mentions are happening, and schedules events for the Clan, such as training.

The Star Colonel is an Earned Rank.  To be Star Colonel you must have the following:

  • At least six months of experience in the Clan.

  • Be willing to be active in the position


The Star Colonel can be taken out of his position.  Only gross negligence would result in him being removed by the Khan.


Star Captain - Head of a Binary (2 Stars).  Reports to the Star Colonel.  Sets up training for his Binary.  Also acts as a recruiter.

The Star Captain is an Earned Rank.  To be a Star Captain you must have the following before issuing a ToP:

  • At least three months of experience in the Clan.

  • Have held the rank of Star Commander for at least two months.

  • Be willing to be active in the position

The Star Captain can be taken out of his position.  Only gross negligence would result in him being removed by the Khan.


Star Commander - Head of a Star.  Reports to his Star Captain.  Sets up training for his Star.  Also acts as a recruiter.

The Star Commander is an Earned Rank.  To be Star Commander you must have the following before issuing a ToP:

  • At least two months of experience in the Clan.

  • Have held the rank of MechWarrior 1st tier for one month

  • Be willing to be active in the position

The Star Commander can be taken out of his position.  Only gross negligence would result in him being removed by the Khan.


MechWarrior - The warriors of the Clan.  Reports to scheduled training provided by his superiors.  Helps with recruiting.

The MechWarrior is an Earned Rank.  There are four MechWarrior ranks per Star, and each is in a progressive tier.  The lowest is 4th tier MechWarrior, and the highest is 1st tier.   To be a MechWarrior you must have the following:


  • Be willing to be active in the Clan

  • Keep your skills sharp

  • Practice weekly with the Clan 


Cadet - A Recruit.  Reports to scheduled training provided by the Clan.  Is not eligible to fight in League battles.

The Cadet is a Volunteer Rank. To be a Cadet you must have the following:

  • Be at least 14 years of age

  • Act in a mature manner

  • Perform all duties assigned

  • Be willing to be active in the Clan

 To move up from Cadet you must pass a ToE.  Before you can take your trial you must:

  • Have at least one week of experience in the Clan

  • Attend 2 scheduled training practices

  • Learn the rules of GS and follow them

Once you pass your trial you will be placed as a MechWarrior.


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